
 There are a variety of options for Astrology Chart Consultations to meet all of your needs!

Consultations are with Jenni Webb and can be zoom sessions, live phone readings or pre-recorded audio emailed to you. Your astrology chart is researched prior to the consultation, so birth data is required to confirm the appointment. Sessions include an MP3 recording of the session (emailed via Hightail). One exception is the Prediction Report, which is pdf format only (not audio).

Packages and Gift Certificates available. Scroll down for options

Purchasing more than one service or product but can’t find a package to suit your needs? Contact Us and we may be able to create a custom package for you!

 Accepted payment: PayPal and most major credit cards

Which option is right for you? All reading descriptions provided below. Feel free to contact me with any questions.

 Let me know what I can do for you!

Disclaimer โ€“ Jenni Webb Astrology